Friday, 9 January 2009

Getting back on my feet....

...slowly but surely. I've been horribly ill all week with a real bummer of a chest infection/flu and I've felt absolutely crappo, but I'm hoping I'm on the mend now. Unfortunately for me, getting something like this invariably causes a flare up of any dormant ME symptoms and also I'm doubly blessed with having Hydrocephalus as well- so I've had better weeks!
The worst part has been not sleeping- lying down sets off a coughing fit, and then I risk disturbing Phil. Last night I ended up getting up about thirty minutes after I'd gone to bed. I came downstairs and decided against turning on the TV, cos it's pants, and ended up reading blogs until 6am! In act, I'm addicted to this one, Siren Voices, which is all about the comings and goings of an EMT-Spence- and his writing is astonishing:) I seriously recommend you have a read...I'm sadly addicted to Celebrity Big Brother now....oh dear, what a saddo huh? I dunno who I'd like to win either. I really liked Tina at first, but I'm tiring of her 'Me, Me, Me' attitude somewhat. I don't think she realises that she's doing it in all honesty, but the houseperson with the most inflated ego should certainly have been her, and not Ulrika! Mutya Buena seems to be coming out of it really well-like most people I'd bought into the press image of her being a bitch, and so far she seems a really nice, down to earth lass. I'm suprised how much I like Tommy Sheridan as well- I thought I'd find him annoying but he actually comes across as quite a caring, intelligent individual. That said, I want Verne to win...when he was talking about Heath Ledger the other night in the house he came across as someone who genuinely cared for Heath and has been genuinely impacted by his loss. Of course he's an actor, but I don't think he's calculating at all...he just seems like a nice bloke:)
God listen to me!!

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